A UXer with an MBA, because UX is serious business

Michelle Pakron
Applications created at Stewart Enterprises

Application design

Web Applications Created at Stewart Enterprises

Web Project Management, UX, UI design, Front-end web development, QC

A decade of application design

I worked at Stewart Enterprises for nearly 10 years. They used to be the third largest owner/operator of funeral homes and cemeteries in the country before they were bought by SCI a few years ago. I worked in corporate IT and I functioned as the web team lead, project manager, UX and UI designer, Front end web developer and QC person. I wore a lot of hats while at STEI...

I had two main areas that I was responsible for: the company intranet and internal web application design + development. I led the creation of dozens of web applications over those ten years, including several redesigns of the company intranet. Below you will find a synopsis of some of the major applications that I designed while at Stewart.

Management 360

internal web application

Management 360

UX Analysis & Design

Management 360 was a proposed web application that would have allowed Stewart sales employees to enter and track lead data.

A project team was created followed by several group ideation sessions. A detailed Axure prototype was created before the project was cancelled.

View Selected Prototype Screens

internal web application


Web Project Management, UX Analysis & Design, UI Design, HTML/CSS, & QC

The Human Resources Action Form web application allowed employees and managers to update and add employee information such as address (for employees) and salary and title data (for managers). This data was then updated in Oracle from the application. The sytem had multiple levels of permissions and a full back-end admin panel.

As part of the UX research phase, I performed a field study to better understand how HR handled update requests and saw that there was a significant amount of time spent simply shuffling papers. The new application reduced the total time spent processing HR updates by over 30%.

View Field Study Excerpt

Inventory Count Application

internal web application

Inventory Count

Web Project Management, UX Analysis & Design, UI Design, HTML/CSS, & QC

The Inventory Count application allowed individual Stewart properties to add their manual inventory counts per product, to be reconciled with internal system counts.

I created wireframes and an interactive prototype in Axure and then wrote a detailed functional specification detailing all of the screens, the user and system behavior and the UI.

View Full Functional Specification

View Selected UI Mocks

Company Roster

external web application

Location Roster

Web Project Management, UX Analysis & Design, UI Design, HTML/CSS, & QC

The Company Location Roster was an external web application that lived on Stewart's corporate site. It allowed users to view the different Stewart property locations across the country and allowed admin users the ability to log in and make update requests for the different locations.

View Selected UI Mocks

AMEX Transactions

Internal web application

AMEX Transactions

Web Project Management, UX Analysis & Design, UI Design, HTML/CSS, & QC

The AMEX Transactions application allowed employees with Travel + Entertainment AMEX cards the ability to add their eligible transactions, which were then reconciled with the American Express system. This enabled the company to more quickly identify non-eligible purchases and simplified the reconciliation process.

View Project Overview + User Flows

View Functional Specification